// Guess Game TurboIRC Script // By Chourdakis Michael © 1998 staticint Num = Random(1000) staticint Tries = 0 if (strnicmp("$3*",":!number ",8)!= 0) return endif // in a game ! int L = atoi("$4") if (L == Num) /display $channel ConGrATuLaTiOnS you HaVe FOUND it !! It WaS %Num% ! /display $channel *******GAME OVER******* /destroystaticvariable Num /destroystaticvariable Tries /_event GUESSGAME 0 0 0 * return endif if (L > Num) /display $channel Uhhhow ! You ArE TOO HiGH ! Tries += 1 goto FoundT endif if (L < Num) /display $channel Uhhhow ! You ArE TOO LoW ! Tries += 1 goto FoundT endif :FoundT if (Tries == 10) /display $channel UHHHOH you didn't find the SecReT NuMbER was %Num% ! /display $channel *******GAME OVER******* /destroystaticvariable Num /destroystaticvariable Tries /_event GUESSGAME 0 0 0 * else int V = 10 - Tries /display $channel WaTcH It You have OnLy %V% tries left ! endif